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The Student News Site of Baldwin School of Puerto Rico

Baldwin Bullseye

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The Student News Site of Baldwin School of Puerto Rico

Baldwin Bullseye

The Student News Site of Baldwin School of Puerto Rico

Baldwin Bullseye

Daria Figlus, Writer

Hi! My name is Daria Figlus and I am in 12th grade. I was born in Chicago, lived in Ukraine, and moved to Puerto Rico nearly five years ago. I have been at Baldwin since the 8th grade and have become very attached to this community. I am part of the Student Council, the MUN club, NHS, Book Club, and much more. I love music, either listening to it or playing the piano, and playing soccer with the team at Baldwin. I love writing and researching about various relevant topics in the world to see and understand different perspectives. I believe it allows me to form my own opinion about what is happening at the moment. I hope you enjoy my writing and possibly learn from it!

All content by Daria Figlus
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