A timeline of thoughts and feelings in the time of quarantine.

he looked outside the window, 

felt his loneliness grow, 

for even if he was in a room full of people who adored him, 

he still missed the outdoors. 

  • day 1 of quarantine. 


he had a sadness inside him he realized, 

he did not know what it was

most days it wouldn’t really affect him so,

but other days 

he just wanted to drown himself 

in that sorrow

  • dark times of quarantine. 


it’s the kind of quiet that you didn’t realize you were missing, 

until you had a little dose of it 

and it tasted like the freedom you never knew

you were missing. 

  • finding yourself during quarantine. 


the world around them burned,

i love you, she said 

and in that instant

the world seemed to stop burning, 

if only for a second. 

  • love in the times of quarantine. 


bits and pieces, 

slowly but surely, 

fixing themselves. 

turning into something,

you never could have expected. 

bits and pieces,

becoming one.  

becoming whole.  

  • fixing and finding yourself during quarantine.