The Relevance of the Past Long Weekend

For too many children in America, the first Monday of September is just a free day off of school. But in reality, it deserves much more recognition as to why it is a national holiday. Labor day has its origins in the late nineteenth century when labor leaders campaigned for the establishment of 

a federal holiday to honor the numerous contributions made by workers to the strength, wealth, and well-being of the United States (“History of Labor Day”, n.d). What did the American worker do to deserve such special recognition? 

This holiday grants adults credit for the hard work they put on a daily basis into their work. Whether it is to provide for their families or for simple survival. This hard work includes many hours of devotion. In the late 1800s, the typical American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to make a meager livelihood at the height of the Industrial Revolution (History, 2022). The average American works 38.7 hours per week as of 2021 (Doyle, 2022). Back then, factories had poor working conditions, earnings were very minimal, and children as young as 5 years were sent to work to support their families. When compared to current times a significant increase in working conditions is seen. 

This treatment introduced worker strikes in order to enforce better work conditions. Union officials in New York City arranged what is believed to have been the first Labor Day parade on September 5, 1882. A large number of artisans, including dress and cloak manufacturers, jewelers, bricklayers, and typographers, took unpaid time off to march with their localities. Picnics, speeches, fireworks, and dancing marked the day’s conclusion (Sandroff, 2022). These laborious efforts should not be seen as just another free day. This day should be celebrated because it was not earned easily. We should not let the courageousness it took for all of these workers to stand up and enforce a solution to their problems go in vain. This brought America a step forward and the least we can do is honor all of these workers for a day. 

This day also brings unity across The United States. As stated by the U.S Department of Labor, the labor movement has helped us get closer to realizing our traditional goals of economic and political democracy. American labor has enhanced the nation’s quality of living and contributed 

to the greatest production the world has ever known. Therefore, it is fitting that on Labor Day, the country honors the American worker, who is responsible for so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership (“History of Labor Day”, n.d). Labor day also marks an end and a beginning. As many Americans across the country believe it to be the end of summer and the start of a working season. Do not doubt that Americans will be taking full advantage of this last day. Goodbye summer, you will be missed.



Doyle, A. (2022, 27 agosto). What Are the Average Hours Worked Per Week in the US? The Balance Careers. Recuperado 2 de septiembre de 2022, de s-2060631#toc-what-are-the-average-hours-worked-in-the-us Editors. (2022, 29 agosto). Labor Day 2022. HISTORY. Recuperado 2 de septiembre de 2022, de Sandroff, R. (2022, 24 agosto). The History of Labor Day. Investopedia. Recuperado 2 de septiembre de 2022, de

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. (s. f.). History of Labor Day. Recuperado 2 de septiembre de 2022, de ed%20in,prosperity%2C%20and%20well%2Dbeing.